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vicenzo 2009 preguntado en Entertainment & MusicMovies · hace 1 década

Which actress do you like to see in the next Twilight movies?

Emily Osment

Lucy Hale

Leighton Meester

Kirsten Dunst

4 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    I'm really excited to see that Dakota Fanning is playing Jane, but I don't take any of the actresses that you posted seriously enough to be in Twilight. Emily Osment is way too cute to be in any of the Twilight movies. I'm not sure about Lucy Hale or Leighton Meester, they just don't seem fit. As for Kirsten Dunst, she's not really Twilight material either. The actors in that movie are all people that are serious enough to be in Twilight.

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    none of them

  • hace 1 década


  • hace 1 década


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