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Please help bad pains with periods and wondering of anyone has a solution?
Im 17 and i have horrible periods. I had taken YAZ and it really didn't help and now is extremely unsafe. But i am having horrible periods with extreme belly pains and lower back pains and i get Ovarian Cysts often. Im just wondering what i should do? There are points during my periods were i almost need to go to the hospital.
So i was wondering does anyone have any ideas to have less pain.?
Thanks so much.
6 respuestasWomen's Healthhace 1 décadaanybody now what this means in english..... its arabic?
3anjad Inte kteeeeeer mahdoume
4 respuestasLanguageshace 1 décadaVisas For the United State?
My cousin is 23 and he wants to come to the usa from lebanon. What is the easiest visa to get? And what are the requirements?
4 respuestasImmigrationhace 1 décadaPLZ! CAN THIS BE MENINGISTIS!?!!?
I have horrible head pain
and neck and spin hurt super bad.
i feel like throwing up but have not.
but i heard that people usually throw-up and have a fever which i have not had.
its been going on for about 6 days and its a
10 out of 10 pain
Plz help!
4 respuestasWomen's Healthhace 1 décadahey does anyone on this thing live in arizona?!!?!?
10 respuestasPhoenixhace 1 década