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¿Could you recommend me a place for my next vacations?
I am working in this moment but in one week approximately, I will stay in vacations, now I am planning my trip. The last year I was in San Andrés, it was a great experience, the beach is amazing, but now I want go a place calm and secure but I don t now about a place with that characteristics.
7 respuestas
- hace 10 meses
Guatemala is ideal at any time of the year greetings,
- hace 2 años
First of all,Hi ! XD
You should go to Mexico because is a beautiful place to try to get relax and is different from other country or places.
I recommend you Acapulco, Guerrero
Or Veracruz Tecolutla
See you there!
- hace 2 años
You should visit place calm like Amazonas because there are many nature, animals and IT is far from the noise, pollution is perfect to rest.
- hace 2 años
Important information!
- Anónimohace 2 años
E A T .... S H I T
- hace 2 años
You should be here in my City. I Live in Palmira City This is the safest City of Colombia and is Amazing and beatiful place.
- hace 2 años
You should go to Isla de Capurganá, Colombia because in this place you can find nature and it's a relax place because the vehicles can't enter so it's very quiet.