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Why boys that think they are girls love pink stuff?

If "pink is for girls and blue is for boys" is a social construct, why do transkid fit that statement. Trans girls love pink and transboys love blue according to what I watched on Tv. I've never seen a transgirl hating pink.

4 respuestas

  • hace 3 años

    Well I believe because of the stigma that blue is manly and pink is girly that trans people use these colours in a way to show that they are the gender that likes these colours I may be wrong but that’s how it seams with what I’ve seen

  • hace 3 años

    excuse me, your stereotype is showing. Don't believe everything you see on TV

  • .
    Lv 7
    hace 3 años

    They are sensitive for power and for unfair treatment of the "teachers' pets".

    Pink has symbolism (or branding) and is owned by "the other side".

  • Anónimo
    hace 3 años

    There is no such thing as a transkid.

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