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Printing pdf images originally printed on coloured paper?
my friend scanned me pages that were originally printed on green paper. When I try to print these pages out, the whole page is green, which is kinda ink wasting, so is there a way to get it so that only the words get printed and the background stays white? I tried printing in greyscale and the whole page turns grey instead.
2 respuestas
- DrDaveLv 7hace 8 añosRespuesta preferida
That's usually a method used to keep people from printing files such as diagrams, schematics, etc.. At best, you would need to convert them into image files and use some image editing software to repaint the background in white. It can be done in photoshop.
- Anónimohace 8 años
What you need to do is get GIMP software which is free ONLINE. Easy to install as well. Open your green scanned images and convert them to greyscale. Next, adjust the gamma or contrast until the white background turns really white.
Save your document and it will only print the text.
Fuente(s): Compu - Tech / Ms Certified