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why me? preguntado en Science & MathematicsMathematics · hace 8 años

How do I do iterations backwards?

In situations like Newton's method, I can find out what the next term of x is based on my current term and I can do iterations to whatever accuracy I need. But is there a way for me to go backwards to go back to the original term? How do I do that?

1 respuesta

  • hace 8 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Interesting question.

    Let's say you were looking for a root of the equation

    x^3 - 2x^2 - 14 = 0

    The root is near x = 3.2919, but let's say that

    somewhere in your forward iterations you had reached an

    estimate of x = 3.30

    I think you are asking whether it is possible to determine

    from this what the previous estimate was, or whether there

    are multiple paths that could've led exactly to x = 3.300000

    For this case, let y = x^3 - 2x^2 - 14

    so that dy/dx = 3x^2 - 4x

    The "previous estimate" would've been

    3.3 - dx

    and the function value there would've been


    so you would've had

    dy/dx = 3(3.3-dx)^2 - 4(3.3 - dx)

    and also

    (3.3 - dx)^3 - 2(3.3 -dx)^2 - 14 = -dy.

    Replacing the "dy" in the first of these equations, you have

    (3.3 - dx)^3 - 2(3.3 - dx)^2 - 14 = 4 dx (3.3 - dx) - 3 dx (3.3 - dx)^2

    35.937 - 32.67 dx + 9.9 (dx)^2 - (dx)^3 - 21.78 + 13.2 dx - 2 (dx)^2 - 14 =

    = 13.2 dx - 4 (dx)^2 - 32.67 dx + 19.8 (dx)^2 - 3 (dx)^3

    Collecting terms, this equation becomes

    2 (dx)^3 - 7.9 (dx)^2 - 14 = 0

    This equation has a unique solution, dx near 4.324334,

    and it turns out NOT to make sense;

    however, that's due to some algebra error on my part,

    which you may be able to identify -- I'm not going to bother

    to redo the algebra, because I can already see the general

    answer to your question:

    The answer to your question is that it IS possible to go backwards

    and determine the previous estimate,

    but the process of doing so will always involving finding the

    root of some equation of the same degree as the one you

    are trying to solve, so that undoing a single iteration becomes

    a multi-iteration problem if you are doing manual calculations.

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