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Lv 7
Frank preguntado en Arts & HumanitiesDancing · hace 8 años

how long to learn a synchronized dance?

In a video, I see half a dozen dancers in perfect sync with each other. I understand that they are professionals, but how long does this take to learn one dance and get it so smoothly synched?

Minutes? Hours? Days?

Actualización 2:

I'm not asking how long it would take me to learn. I'm asking how long it takes the pros to prepare for a synchronized dance in a video shoot.

3 respuestas

  • hace 8 años
    Respuesta preferida

    For a professional dancer, it may take a few hours to learn it; depending on the length of the dance. If it is an everyday job for you, it should not take any longer than that or else you would be out of a job! Some dancers are required to pick up moves just by watching it once or twice. You are trained to learn.

  • Anónimo
    hace 8 años

    Learn Ballet you hack

  • Anónimo
    hace 7 años

    Seriously lmfao!!!!!!!!!

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