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why me? preguntado en Science & MathematicsMathematics · hace 9 años

Math question? Exponential growth?

a quantity grows exponentially according to y(t) = y(0)e^kt. what is the relationship between m, n, and p such that y(p)=(y(m)y(n))^0.5?

1 respuesta

  • ?
    Lv 6
    hace 9 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Use the first formula on m, n, and p in the second formula.

    y(p) = [y(m) * y(n)] ^ 0.5

    [y(0)e^(pt)] = [[y(0)e^(mt)] * [y(0)e^(nt)]] ^ 0.5

    y(0)e^(pt) = [[y(0)]^2 * e^(mt + nt)] ^ 0.5

    y(0)e^(pt) = [y(0)] * e^(0.5[mt + nt]) <--[assuming that y(0) is nonnegative]

    e^(pt) = e^(0.5t[m + n]) <--[assuming that y(0) isn't 0]

    pt =0.5t(m + n) <--[take ln of both sides]

    p = (m + n)/2 <--[assuming that t isn't 0]

    So p is the average of m and n.

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