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Lv 4
khamy preguntado en HealthAlternative Medicine · hace 1 década

Natural Cures"they don't want you to know about"By kevin Trudeau?

Does somebody know about the website?

I heard we have to pay a subscription to get all information about: Natural Cures.

It really worth it? or is another way they make you loose your money.

7 respuestas

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    Yes, it's another way to part you from your money.

    Trudeau is the quack even the alties can't defend; he’s a sales representative and skilled snake oil salesmen with no medical skills whatsoever. And he's managed to become a multimillionaire by telling people what they want to hear, and repeating numerous bizarre theories (wear white to prevent disease and other such bunkum). He’s a con-artist and a charlatan of the worst kind.

    You won't Trudeau's 'cure' for anything in his books; what you'll find is an instruction to go to his website, where for the best part of $1000 you can get a lifetime's membership.

    THEN he'll tell you the 'cure'. That's how he operates, and he's become very rich indeed at the expense of the vulnerable, the desperate and the gullible. He didn't get to be a multimillionaire by giving that sort of information away free, or even for the price of a book.

    The cover of 'Natural Cures' says it 'includes the natural cures for more than 50 specific diseases'; inside he says, for example, that he has discovered an easy way to quit smoking for good. Sure enough, he then instructs readers to go to the website and pay for this information.

    He'll scam anyone, from cancer patients to people wanting to quit smoking. Wherever there's someone with any kind of health anxiety, there's a ruthless charlatan waiting to exploit people's desperation by selling them quack cures. This is especially true of cancer.

    Trudeau is one such cynical, unscrupulous individual, exploiting the fear and desperation felt by cancer patients to line his own pocket, exploiting the fear some have that there's a secret cure and a conspiracy to hide it. He's made millions from cancer, and he doesn't care who suffers or dies as a result.

    An interesting thing about Trudeau is how slithery he is; he never actually commits to anything; he never said he had a cure for cancer, he said there MIGHT be a cure for cancer if you do certain things, but that there might not be, but probably there is; and someone somewhere is probably hiding it. In this way he can legally say whatever he wishes and sell as many books as possible.

    Still, though the specific 'cures' might be beyond your financial reach, I can reveal - free of charge! - Trudeau's prescription for perfect health, as detailed in Natural Cures: take 15 enemas in 30 days. Jump on a trampoline 10 minutes a day. Stay away from electric tumble dryers. Put magnets on your fingers and toes. Whenever possible, wear white clothes. Don't read the newspaper or watch TV news. Don't use fluorescent lighting. Don't use a microwave oven. Don't get your clothes dry-cleaned. Don't use deodorants.

    Simple, huh?

    A little light reading about Trudeau:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    It's another way they make you loose your money.

    From Wiki - check the resources:

    "In connection with his promotional activities he has had a felony conviction and has been an unsuccessful defendant in several Federal Trade Commission (FTC) lawsuits.[40][41][42][43][44] Trudeau has been charged several times by agencies of the United States government for making claims without evidence.

    Trudeau was convicted of fraud and larceny in the early 1990s.[46] The FTC has sued him repeatedly and keeps an extensive record of its conflicts with him.[47] A court order currently restricts his ability to promote and sell any product or service; however, he is permitted to promote books and other publications due to free-speech protection under the First Amendment as long as they are not used to promote or sell products or services and do not contain misrepresentations.[7][8] On November 19, 2007, a court found Trudeau in contempt of that court order for making what they consider deceptive claims about his book The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About.[48][49] In August 2008, he was fined more than $5 million[50] and banned from infomercials for three years for continuing to make fraudulent claims pertaining to the book. The amount of the monetary damages was later increased to $37 million.[51]"

    And it goes on.

    "No proof of claims

    Trudeau has been criticized for his inability to provide substantial evidence to back up many of his claims. Although he provides anecdotal evidence, he has not provided evidence that such customer claims have been evaluated by a licensed medical practitioner. As such, any claims made by Trudeau or his supporters that his book or other business endeavors have helped people cannot be verified and are based solely on testimonials. In instances where Trudeau has been asked to provide proof of his claims, he has misinterpreted medical studies or cited dubious or fictitious studies. For example, Trudeau cited a nonexistent 25-year research study involving a natural cure for diabetes at the University of Calgary.[71] When Jake Tapper confronted him, Trudeau insisted that he had a copy of the study and would provide it, which he never did.[72] He now claims on his infomercials that the University destroyed its findings to prevent reprisals from the pharmaceuticals industry."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    It is not worth it. Numerous claims have been made about natural cures being suppressed. It is really just a sales gimmick, because they are heavily promoted throughout the internet.

    Here some of the allegedly suppressed miraculous "natural" cancer cures are listed, with links to sites explaining what is wrong with them:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    He's not a major player in the alternative health field all infomercial hype aside.

    You can get all the free info. you want at and Natural News. What Doctor's Don't Tell You also has a great deal of valuable information.

    There are tons of conventional medical websites that want people to pay a subscription fee too and a lot of medical information is behind paywalls. They're full of solicitations as well.

  • Minx
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    I bought two of his books and have to say they were more than useless .... and they weren't cheap either ....the information provided therein led me to websites (including his) that i had to pay to join and find out "the cure" ... the cure for all that ails a person pretty much ..... i refuse to pass judgement on the man as i don't judge ..... i also refuse to spend another dime on his books.... i was disappointed .... i don't like being led up the garden path.

    maybe the stories he tells about scientific studies being desroyed are true ..... and maybe they aren't .. i don't much care ....... fact is ..... the answers weren't in the two hideously expensive books of his i bought and i highly doubt they're on his website either.

    bless u


  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    It's a complete and utter joke!

    That said, it might be worth picking up from the bargain bin, if only to glimpse into the troubled mind of a known fraudster.

  • dave
    Lv 7
    hace 1 década

    He's a dirty scammer who preys on gullible and naive people who lack the ability to think critically.

    Fuente(s): Minx's post.
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