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Rod the racer preguntado en HealthWomen's Health · hace 1 década

Getting pregnant the day before her period was supposed to start?

So, if I'm not mistaken, there's no chance of getting pregnant the day before your period because you are infertile, right? However, a series of strange combinations have happened which are keeping me worried, so I'd like to hear your opinions.

I have never had sexual intercourse with my girlfriend (or with any other woman, for what it's worth), however we engaged in mutual masturbation the day before her period was supposed to start. We are almost certain that my semen didn't ever get in contact with her vagina, however in the remote case that it might have happened, is there any possibility of pregnancy? (considering it happened to be so close to the beginning of her period)

She is usually very consistent on her cycle, but it happened that when her latest period, which should have started the day after we "played", just a few drops of blood came out, unlike the usual amount of blood that comes with menstrual cycles.

She has been under heavy stress at her job and thinks that might be the reason for this abnormal period...does it make sense?

Any educated guesses will be appreciated...thanks in advance!

4 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    It's next to impossible that she would get pregnant the day before her period was due. It's very likely that stress from her job changed her period.

  • hace 1 década

    Its possible to get pregnant at any time before the cycle. Althouht her being pregnant is VERY unlikely in your scerniro. A woman can be 1 or 2 days late & still not be preggo, her being stressed might be adding to the delay.

    Maybe next time you should not have sex unless you ready , you sound a litttle young.

    Best of luck to you.

  • hace 1 década

    It sounds highly unlikely that your girlfriend would be pregnant. You can become pregnant at any time during your cycle, ovulation can occur at any time, not everyone sticks to the general 28 day cycle so it may be worth noting that. Sounds like stress would be the most obvious cause, it can reek havoc on your hormones.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 1 década

    She needs to be ovulating to fall pregnant which occurs day 14 of a regular 28 day cycle. so the chances of her getting pregnant the day before her period is impossible. also semen needs to be inside the vagina for conception to occur, it can crawl its way in there if a bit gets on the outside of her vagina. Sperm needs a warm, sticky environment to survive once it hits the air, its useless.

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