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¿I'm looking for this answer... the answer of the hate same...?

I feel much hate, i hate evirything sometimes, but usually it's always...

i need know Is that bad?

diculpen que la pregunta sea en ingles pero....

no queria que la persona que me veia escribirla la entendiera, es ingles basico supongo que podran entenderlo

le agradeceria responder...

Why do i hate everything???

5 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    Puede ser porque hayas recibido poco amor en tu educacion basica, en tu familia, o quisas hayas asimilado un trauma por ver personas con la misma actitud, es decir, un aprendizaje copulativo, por extensión. Aprendiste a ser impaciente porqe ese fue tu clima ambiental, y la impaciencia genera odio por cualquier cosa.

    Fuente(s): DIOS
  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    That´s like stupid you know?

    like, The feeling of good and bad thongs is not the same to everyone..

    That question is up to you man..

    What do you feel about that?

    Like I feel like every single person is ******* selfish!

    So yeeah you hate everything but yourself


  • Hannah
    Lv 6
    hace 1 década

    por traumas de la niñez

  • Patty
    Lv 6
    hace 1 década

    When a person feels that kind of hate, when they feel that they hate everything, I think it is not totally true. Sometimes people just believe they hate everything but in fact what they feel is something like despair, fear of what they can't face, of fear of being different from others. I think you should analyse a bit that feeling that you call 'hate'. Maybe you will be able to realise that there are some other things behind that you haven't realised yet. Good luck.

  • hace 1 década



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