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Omg? American Idol! I'm sad?

So who is mad that Cody Sheldon got sent home. Cause i cried and it was horrible, my friend was like blahblah Michael Castro and I'm like forget him. CODY FLIPPING SHELDON JUST GOT ELIMINATED.


he was the one that sang wonderful world at the auditions. he was 17, and he looked kinda punk/emo. he was cute.

Actualización 2:

i know. that chick is straight ah-nnoying. like seriously. stupid judges. i blame Kara.

3 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    OMG I cried sooo hard!!!! I freaked out lol.

    I loved him. He was so cute! lol.

    Seriouslyyyy, they shouldnt have cut him! The judges are retarded. And they let Tatyana through!? LIKE WTF!

  • Ecogal
    Lv 4
    hace 1 década

    wait which one is he?

    Edit: Oh yeah, I remember him! He had a really good voice!! noo!

  • hace 1 década

    i didnt like him he was kinda weird but i love the blind guy

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