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Rod the racer preguntado en Family & RelationshipsFamily · hace 1 década

Sex between brother and sister?

First, I must start saying that I have no brothers nor sisters, so I really don't know what one can feel for a sibling.

But I wonder if there may be some people who may feel comfortable having sex with his/her own brother or sister?? Particularly during the teenage years, kind of experimenting with their own bodies.

Any thoughts?

26 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    Obviously, you are an only child. Siblings do not want to have sex with one another ~ even during the horny teen age years. It is a very primal and instinctual repulsion. I am sure mother nature made us this way. I have also read studies that people are not sexually attracted to people who they saw "parented" by their parents (cousins, family members, step siblings, etc). I doubt you can find any sibs attracted to one another.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 5 años

    Though sex between brother an sister is incest and legally / morally wrong, does take place all over the world. Better avoid it to maintain love and respect.

  • Anónimo
    hace 7 años

    During the horny teenage years my sister and I broke down one night and had sex. We figured we might as well lose our virginities to someone we love. We waited until our parents were gone for the evening and we had sex in her bed in her room. It only lasted a few minutes and when I hit my peak I pulled out and ejaculated all over her bed sheets. It wasn't as bad as people make it.

  • hace 1 década

    I guess, if they are comfortable taking the risk of conceiving an inbred little kid, and they are comfortable ruining a relationship with a family member. Then there is the whole moral issue. I think it's unacceptable personally but some people still do it...

  • hace 1 década

    Absolutely not. Even with raging hormones you just don't have those feelings. Just the opposite actually. Yuck

  • hace 1 década

    Ewwww!!! I have both brothers and sisters and that's really gross. I cannot imagine how their mates do it. My siblings are aggravating little jerks I find nothing about them sexy.

  • hace 1 década

    Oh My God Thats disgusting

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    OMG! EWW GROSS! I have a twin brother and we are pretty close. BUT NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!

  • hace 1 década

    NO not even a chance. Thats just gorse. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS.

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    i've heard stories of people doing that, but it is VERY un natural and disturbing.

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