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Rod the racer preguntado en SportsOlympics · hace 1 década

Don't you think athletes should be disqualified at the first false start?

When I watched the Olympics, it got very boring when athletes decided to use their non-penalized false start as a strategy to relax and/or get the other competitors nervous.

I'm watching the Paralympics right now, and it's the same thing.

Don't you think it should be like in swimming... first false start and you're out?

8 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    Yes! I agree. I got frustrated watching the Track and Field events at the Olympics as well...the way the athletes would try and psyche each other out. What concerns me, is that it is very likely to cause an injury the way that a false start causes athletes to go full speed ahead and then come to a sudden stop. I think it should be one time and you're out. NO exceptions!

  • hace 1 década

    I really think the Olympics needs some type of rule for all sports in the olympic games. I mean u have 14 year old boy diving but then u arnt allowed 14 year old in gymnastics same with swimming only one false start and your out but with the track u get a second chance rules should apply to all in the games to make it fair they should be all the same..

  • hace 1 década

    Yes! I agree. I got frustrated watching the Track and Field events at the Olympics as well...the way the athletes would try and psyche each other out. What concerns me, is that it is very likely to cause an injury the way that a false start causes athletes to go full speed ahead and then come to a sudden stop. I think it should be one time and you're out. NO exceptions!

  • hace 1 década

    It is not always an intentional tactic, and if someone has been training for four years to get there, I think they should be given an extra chance. In fact, I think the rule is too harsh where if someone else false starts, you are disqualified if you do it afterwards. However this is probably necessary for time reasons.

  • hace 1 década

    I agree. Watching intentional false starts annoys me, because other athletes get their concentration messed up. It's funny however that most of the time the person who intentionally false started tends to be in the middle pack or further behind.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    hace 1 década

    We always give a person a 2nd chance in life in whatever the doing as a benefit of doubt. You never do the first time right and you are lucky if you get the first hit.

    Please spare a thought for those in need of it for a life performance.

    You will want it too, if you are one of the first false starter/s.

  • hace 1 década

    no,any person that have 1 false start should be given another chance,their are pro-athletes,their will never do it again

  • hace 1 década

    no they should not

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