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What's a good, easy way to make a news website?

I'm currently developing a new website for my racing team. For the news section would like to be able to add news dynamically instead of having to make separate HTML files for each new one.

Any good content management system, software or something that you can recommend me? I would prefer not to use databases. Just the simplest thing out there.

Thanks in advance!

2 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    One of the best flat-file (no databases) CMSs available is CuteNews. It's available for free from the link below, although it does have a link placed at the bottom of every article. To get rid of it you could buy a license.

    It's incredibly easy to use and customizable.

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década

    You can find many web designers at websites like , you can just post your project at the website and let many web designers bid for your project.

    You can hire whoever you like.

    Do not pay any money afront however.

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