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Why does it appear that people don't know what maps are for?

I mean, we all know Yahoo Answers is a place to share knowledge, but it's really frustrating to see young kids thinking this is the only place where they can realize what the capital of a country is, or in which continent is their country.

The only thing that is happening is they are becoming ignorants and fully dependable of others.


Nice thoughts, john_traveler! It's a shame, but it's true. Today's kids have been raised with the idea of not having to move a single finger to find information. I'm not that old, either...I'm 20, but I belong to that last generation of kids who had to actually do some effort to do my homework. Sadly, some kids now don't even learn nor study.

4 respuestas

  • Anónimo
    hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    I agree with your statement! Unfortunately, geography is not well taught in the US. I have a BA in geography, but I mostly had to teach myself basic things like map reading before college. Nowadays with the internet,GPS, and other technologies; maps are probably going to be disregarded altogether.

  • hace 1 década

    I strongly agree. there was one question that someone asked, and it actually took me 37 seconds to find the answer-far less time than it would take to come here, ask a question, and wait for a response. the state of geographical knowledge in this country is pathetic.

  • Sandy
    Lv 4
    hace 1 década

    I think these kids just need to study!!

  • hace 1 década

    because everyone went out and bought a gps.

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