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  • cold sores, how you deal with it? herpes 1?

    I have a ?, did any one know how to treat herpes lavial, it spand into my trout, and my ears, and it hurts alot,

    any subjestions, or did any one have it how you deal with it?

    7 respuestasInfectious Diseaseshace 1 década
  • right time to star doing weights?

    I need to know when is the right time to star using weights,I am 15 years old male and I want to get some muscle, some one told me not to use because you stop growing.

    3 respuestasDiet & Fitnesshace 1 década
  • a Windows vista computer change settings from Spanish to English?

    I got a gift from relatives in Mexico, a windows vista computer but the setting there in spanish and need to know how to change it to English.

    2 respuestasLaptops & Notebookshace 1 década
  • Help please?

    I been seen this guy since April, well he is my sex buddy, that what i told him when we first do drama no strings attache, he never call me I always call him, and he answers... my point is that I think of him verry often, and I dont know if he think about me too. because he don't call... did i make a mistake on using him just for sex, provably i want something more. I confuse i am not ready fora boyfriend now but i thing of him to much... helpplease what should i do, should stop call him or tell him how i fell about him....

    6 respuestasSingles & Datinghace 1 década
  • why guys don't date independent girls?

    I try to date some guys but they don't get serious, because i am verry independent, and i try to take care of my self, they don't like it or what??? please help!!!!

    25 respuestasSingles & Datinghace 1 década